Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Some Interesting Videos/Articles

As was probably apparent in today's class- I watch A LOT of television, and the shows we discussed today were very valuable for their commentary on disability and theory. I thought I'd put up some links to maybe continue this discussion!

First is an article condemning Glee for its use of non-disabled actors in disabled roles:
No Glee for Disabled People

Next is an interview with actress Lauren Potter, who plays Becky Jackson on Glee:
Down Syndrome Takes Center Stage on Glee

Here is a PSA from Glee about the use of the "r-word." Note: many more videos just like this can also be found on YouTube, ranging from the casts of television shows to regular, everyday people:
"'Not Acceptable' PSA"

Finally, a video about how the show Switched at Birth confronts issues of authenticity for their constructed deaf community:

I hope these videos elicit some good discussion that will build upon our class :) Are there other television shows/episodes/movies that you consider effective/not effective representations of disabilities?


  1. I love that you watch so much tv. It makes me miss having cable :(

    The Bachelor (like, season 36) began this week on ABC. I haven't watched it since Trista and Ryan in 2003, but it made me realize how WHITE the show is. There is almost no diversity, and I'm pretty sure that out of the two million seasons there have only been white bachelors or bachelorettes. Obviously this means no disabilities either, although having a child is treated like a disability.

    The reason I bring this up is because of its success. I was going to ask "what does this mean" but that's kind of a duh question. Someone ought to make a ruckus and ignite a change.

    P.S. At least Dancing with the Stars has diversity and disability...although if you're considered a "star" you don't have to deal with all the crap "real [oppressed] people" do.

  2. I don't have cable, too expensive! I watch everything on Netflix and Hulu. :)

    The Bachelorette began this week, not The Bachelor. I can't stand how they recycle previous contestants who didn't "find love," but, I can't NOT watch that show. You're so true that the contestants are all white, typical "california" beautiful people, and very normative. Except for last season when one of the contestants was a mortician. I always contemplate "what does it mean?!" and don't have an answer. I wonder why the Hell the show is still successful when I'm pretty sure 90% of the audience realizes they will never "find love" on a "reality" TV show.
